“I do.”
Being in a relationship comes with plenty of ups and downs, and over the years, many couples tend to find themselves falling through the cracks – forgetting the very promise that they first took on their wedding day.
Most of the time, people do not just simply fall out of love. Instead, problems often build up slowly over time – testing the basic foundations of a relationship.
Facts of “unreasonable behaviour”, “infidelity and extramarital affairs”, and “financial problems” are some of the common reasons used by people for filing of their divorce.
According to the 2016 Prudential Relationship Index that surveyed more than 5,000 adults aged 25 to 55 in Asia – 24% of married people in Singapore actually thought seriously about leaving their spouse.
How do you identify an unhappy marriage?
Given that being in an unhappy marriage can take a huge toll on our physical and emotional well-being – knowing the signs of a troubled marriage can help you decide if the red flags need to be addressed.
You Hardly Communicate Anymore

At the start of the relationship, both of you might have plenty of topics to talk about, but somewhere along the way, you begin to realise that you no longer have anything that you want to share with your partner and vice versa.
Communication is the most important ingredient in a successful marriage as it allows couples to express their appreciation for each other and show a genuine interest in their partner’s life.
Not communicating also means that you probably aren’t hashing problems out when they need to be addressed, which might likely cause more problems down the line.
If you are no longer actively engaging and spending quality time together, or can’t seem to take part in meaningful conversations – it may be time to reassess your relationship to set things right.
There is Little to No Intimacy

Intimacy plays a vital role when it comes to having a happy marriage, but intimacy does not necessarily have to be sexual intercourse.
Physical affection and finding different ways to connect with your partner is just as important, such as having breakfast together or setting date nights to rekindle the passion amidst a hectic schedule.
Shoulder massages, spontaneous hugs and giving words of care or encouragement to your spouse can help to build up both emotional and physical intimacy.
Not having a sense of intimacy with your partner can quickly stir up feelings of being rejected and unwanted – and maybe a clear sign that you are in an unhappy marriage.
Seeking marriage therapy early is vital to saving the marriage.
You Would Rather Spend Time With Your Friends Than be at Home With Your Partner

Research often reports that happy marriages are those where couples celebrate each other’s successes as well as negative experiences.
Whether you have something big to announce or just received some bad news – wanting to share it with your friends and family instead of your partner can mean that you no longer see your partner as a pillar of support.
While spending a little time apart is healthy in a relationship, too much of may spell trouble.
If you would rather spend more time at work and are constantly trying to avoid your partner – this could mean there are feelings of dissatisfaction and you may need to dig deeper to find out the underlying reasons.
Everything They Do Irritates You

What was once cute and endearing has now turned into frustration and disgust, where even the smallest things can explode into huge arguments.
The little things such as the way they eat or talk might start to become more than just an annoyance, and you might start to feel a sense of resentment towards your partner.
When this happens, you might want to analyse why you feel this way and figure out how to resolve these unhealthy thoughts in your marriage.
There is Emotional Withdrawal

Emotional withdrawal is a huge sign that there you might be subconsciously thinking about a future – one that does not include your partner.
Often, emotional withdrawal happens in an effort to convince yourself that you don’t care anymore so that it is easier when the actual separation occurs.
You might notice you or your partner pulling back from the relationship and feeling distant from them despite being in the same room.
No one feels heard, and no one listens – and it can be extremely stressful to be in an unhappy marriage that is on the brink of becoming toxic.
It is never a good idea to let the cold war prolong indefinitely. You may want to nip the problem in the bud and get marriage therapy to mend your relationship before it is too late.
Both of you Have Differing Values, Beliefs, and Goals

“Opposites attract” may be what makes a couple want to tie the knot. Unfortunately, different values, backgrounds and lifestyles can quickly become major roadblocks in growing together as a couple.
It would be near impossible to find parties in a marriage to have similar values, hobbies, interests, beliefs and family backgrounds.
However, studies have shown that couples with similar values, cultural background and lifestyle habits find it easier to understand and live with each another as compared to those who are vastly different.
Completely different parenting styles or different ways of spending one’s money may often be the root of many heated quarrels in a relationship.
One would probably find it easier to pick up a new hobby or kick a habit than to adopt a partner’s set of beliefs and attitudes towards life.
Seeking marriage therapy earlier could help you find new ways to resolve such differences amicably.
There’s Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling

Criticism: Attacking and shifting all the blame on your partner by targeting their appearance, personality and character. For example, “You are so stupid, you can’t do anything right.” or “You only care about yourself you are so selfish” and “You are so old and ugly”.
Contempt: Disrespecting and disregarding your partner’s feelings and using your ego to rule the relationship. You start to become sarcastic and enforce your superiority on your partner by attacking their self-worth.
Defensiveness: Refusing to accept responsibility in a problem and attacking your partner in retaliation. You constantly find excuses to minimize the consequences of your actions. E.g. “It’s all your fault” or “I am always the one doing the work”.
Stonewalling: Emotionally shutting down instead of openly addressing issues.
Continuing to exhibit these 4 traits often erode a relationship to the point where there is no longer mutual respect for each other.
To prevent the marriage from getting to the point of no return, self-reflection and recognising one’s faults may very well be the key to mending the relationship.
There is Abuse, Addiction, or Adultery

The 3 As (abuse, addiction, and adultery) can be a deal-breaker for most couples that leads to divorce. Undoubtedly, it is hard to overlook, forgive or tolerate these problems that can break down a once-happy marriage.
Alcoholism or gambling addiction can cause harm to a relationship due to the prolonged feelings of shame, insecurity and stress felt by the spouse whose partner is addicted to such vices.
Domestic violence, if silently tolerated by the victim over a period of time often leads to the aggressor escalating the level of violence to obtain more satisfaction of being in control of the unhealthy relationship.
Discovering infidelity in a spouse often causes one to harbour hurt and negative feelings internally. Such unhealed wounds can re-appear in future even after one decides to “forgive and forget” the unfaithful partner.
Feelings of insecurity are a major relationship killer, and if you are constantly feeling scared, anxious, or depressed because of your partner’s actions, these are signs that your marriage is in serious trouble.
What Should You Do If You Notice These Signs
There are many external circumstances that could be putting further stress on your marital relationship such as caring for young children, looking after a sick parent, or losing a job due to retrenchment.
Seeking help from a marriage therapist should be the first port of call if you notice any of the warning signs above.
If your partner is not interested or committed to tackling the issues of your marriage together with you and you find yourself realising that you have exhausted all possible ways to resolve your marital issues, choosing to go your separate ways is an option to consider.
Recognising that your marriage cannot be saved is both difficult and painful. It is important for you to learn how to cope with divorce and move on after that.
You may want to make the process of divorce simpler by engaging the help of an experienced and accredited divorce lawyer to deal with the legalities of the divorce paperwork.
You May Seek Advice From Our Lawyer, Ms Ng Pui Khim, Regarding Divorce Matters
With over 20 years of experience handling annulment & divorces in Singapore, Ms Ng Pui Khim is a senior divorce lawyer in Singapore with a proven track record to provide useful and practical matrimonial advice to all her clients.
At the end of the day, there is no better person who can assess whether or not you are in an unhappy marriage other than yourself, but if you have made a decision – contact us to book your consultation today!

Ng Pui Khim is a senior lawyer with over 20 years of private practice experience focusing on divorces (family and matrimonial law), real estate (conveyancing practice), wills and succession law.
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